‘Buat menuh-menuhin CV aja’

Kalimat ini seriiing banget dipake sama umat pelajar Indonesia, dari SMA sampe mo lulus kuliah. Sebenernya apa sih esensinya ?

1. Mending ikut kecil-kecil tapi banyak atau dikit tapi kerja besar ?
Kalimat judul diatas biasanya jadi modus para pembuat event/lomba supaya orang-orang pada mau ikutan. Ga usah dipungkiri sekarang yang namanya event ato lomba tuh banyaaaaaaakkk bangeet. Ntah creatornya mau menunjukan eksistensi organisasinya, atau buat menuhin tugas kuliah, ada juga tetep alasan mulia untuk menambah pengalaman dan berkontribusi pada komunitas sekitar. Tapi segala sesuatu yang berlebihan itu gak pernah baik. Termasuk ikut kegiatan yang berlebihan, apalagi sama-sama aja. Kampus dengan segala kesibukan akademis maupun event somehow berhasil membuat mahasiswa hidupnya hanya revolve di mereka, dan gak jarang jadi ga ada waktu untuk memikirkan realita kehidupan dan mencari pengalaman baru diluar.
Sepengamatan, banyak juga lomba dan event yang sudah kehilangan esensinya. Bikin lomba tuh sekarang gak susah, cari tema aja (rata-rata gitugitu doang), cari dana, cari juri (kadang kompeten kadang gak),  cari peserta, suruh mereka mikiir, dilombain, milih pemenang (yang terkadang juga bias tergantung mood juri saat itu ato latar belakang subjektif peserta), terus hasil lomba sudah dilupakan. Bahkan yang lomba kadang juga ga inget konten karya mereka, karena demi alesan dapet piala dan masukin CV aja. Padahal ya, ide yang udah capek” disusun tuh ga gampang loh dapetnya. Tapi diabaikan gitu aja sama si penggelar lomba dan peserta lomba. Ini nih kenapa Indonesia gak sukses”, orang pinter banyak ide kratif dimana” tp ga ada yang dipake. Ga ada yang direalisasiin. Yang penting ada, bikin, dan masuk CV sbg panitia/pemenang.
Event (kebanyakan ya gak semua) juga adalah rupa dari pola hidup instan manusia. Banyak ditemukan organisasi yang sibuuk terus urus event dibanding urus anggotanya. Kadang sampai dikorbankan finansial dan rasa saling menghargai sesama manusia.
Padahal kesuksesan sebuah organisasi bukan dari seberapa besar event yang bisa dibentuk, tapi seberapa berkembang sumber daya manusianya.. seberapa anggotanya merasa terbantu dan bahagia atas eksistensi organisasinya. Emang ini susah diukur, kenapa ? karena effectnya bakal longterm. Kamu ga bisa liat hasilnya sekarang, secepat event sukses. Semua butuh proses dan kerja keras dalam membangun. Event itu alat, bukan tujuan utama. Ini emang ga bisa dimasukin di CV, tapi pasti ‘pengalaman’ ini bakal membentuk karakter dirimu lebih dari sekedar ke-instan-an.
Jangan kayak jadi orang yang protes terus sama pemerintah dibilang gak kerja lah apa… ya emang untuk membersihkan dan berjuang dari awal butuh waktu dan ga bisa langsung keliatan. Bahkan kadang jadi sedikit gak stabil. Tapi udah tau yang sekarang jelek masa berubah dikit demi yang lebih baik gamau sih ? sabarrrr (:

2. CV was made untuk meringkas konten hidup. Tapi CV sekarang itu cuman ada ringkasannya ga ada konten.
Prinsip di atas membuat orang memiliki banyak sekali kegiatan di hidupnya, tanpa akhirnya memiliki fokus tertentu. Apakah memiliki fokus penting ? Tentu saja! karena kita ini manusia biasa bukan superhuman. Too much going on akan frustrate kemanusiaan dirimu. Sering dengar orang di Jepang bunuh diri ato mati mendadak karena stress ? Gamau gitu kan…Orang dengan kegiatan hidup yang banyak biasanya tidak bisa fokus pada satu, alhasil cuman ngerjain seadanya atau untuk mencapai standar kelulusan. Numpang-numpang aja di mana”.
Di CV seseorang bisa saja tercetak banyak kegiatan dalam setahun: organisasi HMJ, ekstrakulikuler, penelitian, lomba-lomba. Ketika ada banyak gitu, alokasi waktu untuk setiap kegiatan pasti semakin sedikit ketimbang fokus di lebih sedikit.
Alhasil, konten di setiap skill juga semakin sedikit. Iya ringkasan hidup banyak, tapi gimana dengan konten hidupnya ? Belom lagi akan ada hari” di mana Ia stress maka tidak produktif. Ato ada juga, yang misalkan ambil test ujian bahasa jerman atau jepang atau apa.. tapi dia melimit kemampuannya hanya berstandar kelulusan. Pas disuruh pake di kehidupan nyata… eh ga bisa. Soalnya belajar biar dapet sertifikat buat CV aja.. Esensi sesungguhnya belajar beda deh, kan test ujian hanya untuk meringkas kemampuanmu. Harusnya lebih dari itu. Jangan-jangan Bli di pantai Bali lebih jago dari kalian, meskipun ga punya sertifikat.
Jika kalian salah satu dari ini, tenang.. ini bukan salah kalian kok. Sistem edukasi Indonesia yang membuat kita begini, berasa kita harus bisa disegala bidang padahal realitanya pas gede juga ntar lain lagi. Mata pelajaran kita aja banyak, padahal seorang musisi kadang ga perlu semengerti itu tentang kimia. Orang yang involve di banyak tempat keliatannya keren.  Tapi kalau kamu karya kamu sukses, setia disatu fokus aja. Kuatin konten kamu di fokus itu.
dan dengan gini juga km gak bikin orang lain bete karena kamu ga kerja efisien dan cuman numpang nama buat CV hehehe

3. CV penuh buat apa sih ? daftar kerja ? HRD emang ngeliat CV penuh ?
So both of my parents is an HRD expert, working almost 20 years in the industry. Pas ditanya mereka nyari apa di seorang pekerja, mereka bilang …. yang dilihat adalah keselarasan antara pekerjaan dan pengalaman pelamar, bukan banyaknya. Organisasi atau lain yang tidak berhubungan adalah nilai tambah saja. Jadi, cari yang utama dulu dan yang lain tambahan bukan sebaliknya.
Lagi, CV penuh terus daftar kerja…. berarti bukan menjadi enterprise ya ?
Liat Mark Zuckenberg, Steve Jobs, Kolonel Sanders, Ford, dsb. Kayaknya CVnya sebelom sukses gak maksa serame dan seberagam itu… mungkin mereka tidak berusaha menuh”in CV karena….. seorang enterprise tau apa yang dia mau dan tau apa tujuannya. Again mereka akan sangat fokus di konten mereka, bukan apa yang bisa mereka pamerkan tapi hasil akhir dari segala proses perjuangan dan karakter mereka (yang gampang karena pasti banyak gagal). Probability kamu jadi kayak mereka lebih gede dgn cara gini.
(Ini hanya pendapat, mau kamu jadi pekerja atau enterprise itu sama-sama baik karena semua orang lahir dengan kapabilitas dan bakat masing-masing.)

Mungkin coba di pertimbangankan lagi lain kali memutuskan ikut sesuatu atau tidak, supaya baik untuk dirimu dan tidak merugikan orang lain. Ingat juga umurmu, kapan masih aman hidup macem gini dan kapan harus liat realita.
Ini juga berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengamatan pribadi, jadi tidak berlaku bagi semua orang. (and I actually am not the wisest to say this) Ada orang yang stress management nya baik, ada yang ketemu pekerjaan dan passion bahkan jodoh saat menuh”in CV.
Ato mungkin ada juga yang perlu menuhin CV karena emang belom ada kontribusi beneran (: Jika kamu salah satunya abaikan ini.

“Terkadang, apa yang berarti itu tidak bisa dilihat hanya sekedar pernyataan kertas. Kerja sesungguhnya justru kadang ga bisa dijelaskan dengan kata-kata tapi hanya dilihat hasilnya di masa depan.”

Beauty and The Beast (2017)

” It is a story about a girl so peculiar, wishing to have a life beyond the provincial life.  and she found that, in a way no one could ever think of. Through a beast. “

1. Emma Watson. is. amazing.


source: youtube.com

She’s stunning. Her light voice is so soulful. Her face is indescribable. Emma Watson adalah salah satu bukti langka bahwa terkadang Tuhan ga adil, she is perfect despite herself saying that perfect is boring. She made the right decision playing Belle instead of Mia in la la land, no one can portray it better. P.S. I also love the part where Belle was singing on the hill, sooo similar with ‘Sound of Music’. She really is the modern version of Julie Andrew.

2. New ‘uncopied’ scene and script are way better than those similar to 1991 original scenes.


source : lifechainged.files.wordpress.com

There are several additional scenes, such as the paris one or the part where beast’s mother passed away. Scene baru ini bagus and authentic. The stories behind belle’s and beast’s past.. how they lost the person they love very early, this connects them. So their relationship is not based solely by the castle and rich beast. But that rare connection, the same feeling of being stranger who wants to explore the world.
However, scenes and script which portrays the original animation version…. fail. The visual effect is beyond, tapi mungkin karena too much feelnya jadi ga dapet. Banyak joke yang kena, like the time beast makan berantakan ga pake alat makan.. its supposed to be funny.Also, the scene where beasts was trying to invite belle for dinner. It was awkward in the movie, but in the animation I laughed out loud.
Be authentic current disney crew! it’s better.

3. Music.

This is what I love about disney movies, they stay true to the setting of the movie when it comes to music. Like how moana music is sooo hawaiian, the music of Beauty and The Beast is khas Prancis. Similar to Hugh Jackmans’ ‘Les Miserables’ (2012). It’s beautiful, glorious, and majestic. The casts are mostly British Theatre singer, so it helps a lot in bringin the theme.  There are also several original scores such as ‘How does a moment last forever’, ‘Days in the Sun’, ‘Evermore’. Those songs are awesome, hopefully can help them get an oscar!
FYI, remember the song in credits scene? It is sung by Celine Dion, who sang beauty and the beast in the animation version featuring Peabo Bryson (now its the modern Ariana Grande and John Legend)

4. Pesan Moral Karakter.

The casts in this movie, we can say its more ‘multiracial’. In my opinion, its a portray of how France is at the moment. In the past, mostly they were caucasians. Now since France is practically a melting-pot, french is more multicultural than before.
Also about Agathe, the misterious woman. For those who fell asleep, she’s also the witch that cursed beast. Just reminding, be careful with the quite ones.

5. Le Fou.

Yes, there is gay indicators of le fou: when he said to Gaston about being ‘clingy’, his face on the last dance scene with a man. In the animation, he is the crazy one (well, le fou means ‘the crazy one’). Here, maybe without the silly animation is harder. But I’m still questioning on Disney’s decision putting this scene into a child interpretative movie. [FYI, the Josh Gad (Le Fou) also is the voice of Olaf in ‘Frozen’ and the voice of all dogs in ‘A Dog’s Purpose’.

Overall, it’s a good movie. Not great. The duration is toooo long. Some people were sleepy during the movie (well this might be bias tho since i watched the midnight, but some of my friends agreed). It is a simple movie, was once a funny one, now is a glorious one. I lovee Emma Watson as Belle and the music. But… well the promotion is better than the actual movie. Not dissapointed, but not satisfied as well. Sorry ):


Yesterday was the first time I ever heard a portugese conversation in person between these two guys:


taken on 10th Agusust @ JEC International FoodFest

and I just realize the importance of language…

Really, it instantly connects you. This chef must be damn happy to talk to another person using his mother-language in a country he doesnt even speak the language. They talked like they’ve known each other for long, not just 5 minutes ago which is the fact. They even trust each other enough to swap contacts and even arrange future appointment. They were in their own bubble~

Imagine if you met another person who speaks Indonesian somewhere in Europe, there will be this instant connection in between. Also imagine, when you are abroad standing in crowd yet you can barely understand what they are saying. You will just simply realize the importance of language, and how owning it will be such a huge advantage in life.

It is adorable though, to hear the Indonesian guy next to him talked in Portugese after not using it for long. It is also quite heartbreaking to be reminded that he is extremely good in something he can barely show off to, because no one understands. But cheers bae! Hopefully this is a good start for you (:

Suicide Squad


This is just fun facts that I found from the movie:

  1. Harley Quinn is awesome! That girl inspires me to just LESS THINK and SIMPLY DO. Seriously, her weapon is a freakin baseball stick . . . Yet she’s always the first one to come out from the hiding. Yeaaa dem confident ~ getting an electrical shot may not be as bad as it seems huhhh, I might need one someday
  2. Being a genious meaning taking risks of falling into crazy stuffs, wheter accidentally release the witch from decades ago or being in love with wrecked-head joker. Poor smart girls 😦
  3. Ok this happen in every movie. If the file is classified, why would you make it stood out by writing TOP SECRET on the cover ? Like for sure the bad guys will be curious and open it… Why dont you just treat it as other regular documents with small signage just to remind certain ppl ? Hollywood Logic!
  4. “Behold the voice of God” *beepp* *Viola Davis on screen* -> THAT SCENE IS HILARIOUS! It just a simple reminder of how pop culture is just now a part of life, the guard  taking selfies with Harley, the ‘drone’ boomerang… thats how much we’ve evolved. Also, Viola you’re the queen ❤
  5. It’s all about love~ Deadshot with his daughter, El Diablo with his family and wife, Cara Delavigne a.k.a witch & the hunky guy, and of course… Joker and Harley Quinn! Those two maniacs, texting each other like a normal couple teenager in a middle of ‘witchy war’~ Well played hollywood, keep on poisoning our brain with that lovey dubey stories so we will keep aside other life aspects as your country took it over from us. Well played! *sorry for slight sarcasm*

Overall, the movie is entertaining. Although it is quite different … (typical DC) Don’t you think it feels kind of short for a two-hours duration movie ? Well, maybe because they only spent short amount of time on having the opening background scenes and skipped right to the ‘war’ climax parts that last sooooo looongg. Seriously, there’s no scene for bathroom break. Yet it’s enjoyable even for a non-DC fan (read:me. thank God my boyf is superhero enthusiast and willing to explain the whole concept). The jokes are explicitly funny.

After the movie, the expert a.k.a my guy gave his opinion : these superheroes movie are missing out a lot from the real comics. Stories are untold, the characters are not treated fairly..everyone is supposed to be equally played as the main character. We have no clear backstories from the killer-croc and slipknot (you know, the guy who climbed and killed within few minutes he was on screen…worked only as tester of suicide-bomb? you don’t? well, okay.) I feel the same way about novels… Well, that just simply emphasize the difference between movie and books 😉 Also, this :

Screenshot (168)

could not be more accurate.

My last comment is: HOW MANY LIVES DO AMANDA AND JOKER HAVE ? Seriously, if they are not the ‘protagonists’, those scene would’ve killed them. Well, I guess we will see in the sequel!


Full Day School (?)

Pagi ini saya dikejutkan oleh artikel di Facebook berjudul:

Mendikbud Baru Anjurkan Pelajar Sehari Penuh di Sekolah


Pada intinya, menteri yang baru 10 hari menjabat mengatakan bahwa sumber daya manusia di Indonesia masih belum sesuai ekspetasi, belum mampu keep up dengan ‘perkembangan zaman’. Ketimbang tidak full day, pulang lalu tidak ada pengawasan orang tua…lebih baik di sekolah seharian mendapat tambahan ilmu.

Membaca ini, saya bersyukur saja sudah melalui masa” itu.. udah lewat~

Tapi, ada juga pikiran yang mengusik… menurut saya kebijakan ini SALAH BESAR.

Pak, saya pernah menjadi siswa, di Jakarta (Tangerang lebih tepatnya). Di sekolah yang maju di akademis, kerjaannya ngirim anak ke luar negri buat olimpiade atau bahkan ke istana negara buat bawa bendera (upss..). Sudah jelas masa remaja saya isinya: BANGUN, KELAS, LES, MAKAN, MANDI, TIDUR. Almost literally. Sekarang saya berdomisili di Jogja, Puji Tuhan berkuliah di universitas ternama. Ketika menengok kembali ke belakang…. I see how much I’ve missed out on life.

Pak, berdasarkan pengalaman yang baru berakhir beberapa tahun lalu… saya percaya diri mengatakan bahwa pendapat Bapak ini kurang tepat. Mengapa ?

  1. Siswa di Indonesia justru TERLALU BANYAK menghabiskan waktu di kelas. Mungkin Bapak memiliki perbandingan tertentu, di setiap negara kebijakan terkait lama belajar di sekolah memang bermacam.. dari yang jam 7 pagi-5 sore, sampai yang siang sudah pulang untuk lunch dengan keluarga [schools around the world]. Pertanyaannya adalah: ‘dengan karakteristik dan ciri khas Indonesia, manakah yang cocok? value apa yang anda ingin tanamkan untuk SDM Indonesia?‘. Pendapat saya pribadi, kita Indonesia sangat kaya…. sangaat sangaaaaaattttt kaya… namun kita sendiri tidak tau tentang itu, karena waktu kecil saya terlalu banyak belajar teori atau menghafal rumus yang sekarang pun saya sudah tidak ingat. Saya belajar kok tentang batu-batuan di pelajaran Geografi, tapi sekarang kalau saya jalan-jalan dan melihat batuan..saya tidak tau sama sekali itu jenis apa. Itu karena saya hanya melihat lewat gambar di buku saja. Saya tidak punya waktu untuk melihat di kehidupan nyata, apalagi di Jakarta yang mau keluar komplek aja macet.
  2. Anda mau Indonesia berkembang? Ciptakan ENTREPRENEUR bukan PEGAWAI. Again, saya hanya mau menekankan betapa penting juga exposure ke luar, bukan hanya dikelas. Setau saya, Indonesia ini banyak sekali masalah. Tapi masalah yang ada di pulau-pulau sana tidak diketahui oleh yang dipulau sini. Mungkin karena semua orang terlalu terpaku dengan harus lulus UN atau textbook” yang di depan mata. Menurut saya pribadi, Pegawai melakukan pekerjaan yang sama terus menerus seperti yang diminta bos sedangkan Entrepreneur menemukan permasalahan dan mencari solusi, dan membangun mata pencaharian atas dasar demikian. Jika dikomparasikan, belajar terus menerus dikelas dengan awasan guru kurang lebih seperti contoh pertama bukan (: Mata kita kurang memandang pada tujuan utama mengapa kita belajar: “To be better and hence help other people to be better, right?“. Kami bukan aset pak, yang dijadikan robot lalu dijual-jual ke luar negri demi kemajuan bangsa tetangga. Kami juga manusia. Ada beberapa yang masih punya hati untuk bantu orang lain maju bersama eventually. Kami ingin bangun Indonesia bersama.
  3. Dulu ketika masa-masa UN, saya sedikit tergelitik ketika katanya mau Ujian Nasional berbasis online. Astagaa sdvance bangeet UN sekarang, tapi…. “Sekolah di Papua punya komputer gak ya?” Indonesia sebelah sini tolong jangan gaya kalo yang disebelah sana gak bisa, boro-boro online – wong listrik aja mati nyala ._. Pak, Bu.. siapapun lah pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas hal ini, mohon diingat bahwa INDONESIA BUKAN HANYA PULAU JAWA. Pak, sudahlah ketimbang mengganti” terus sistem pendidikan dan membuat bingung semua pihak..lebih baik fokus memeratakan pendidikan. Katanya kurang SDM berkualitas kan ? Indonesia negara populasi terbanyak ke-4 di dunia loh…. KEEMPAT! tapi serasa tidak punya sdm kan? karena SDM yang ada dikacangin ): yang di daerah Barat sana yang bagus tambah bagus, terus pindah deh ke luar negri karena mereka tidak diberi pengertian seberapa besar Indonesia membutuhkan mereka. Yang di daerah lain, berjuang ingiiiinnn sekali dapat pendidikan untuk memajukan bangsa (setidaknya daerah) mereka. Namun, tidak diberikan. Ditutup jalan-jalannya. Tidak diperdulikan. Terabaikan. [Saya pribadi dulu tidak ada kepikiran mau kuliah di Indonesia, tapi Tuhan menempatkan saya disini and I could not be more grateful being here and discovering this fact! Indonesia sangat…sangat butuh seimbang kalau mau maju bersama]

Last but not least, mau tau intinya mengapa SDM Indonesia seperti ini ?


Berasal dari SMA yang notabene favorit dan sudah tertempa, masuk ke Universitas Negri favorit juga namun terbuang atau tidak tau mau ngapain setelah lulus. Saya pernah punya teman dari teknik fisika, dia suka fisika, tapi dia mau pindah ke STAN atas dasar “habis lulus gatau mau kerja apa kak”. Padahal Indonesia butuh, tapi yang dipakai again Bulebule yang dianggap more qualified. Kenapa sih kita dianggap rendah ? Yang menemukan 4G aja orang Indonesia loh tp atas nama perusahaan Jepang.. Udah macem spatu Nike produksi di Indonesia, kirim keluar tempel merek, balikin lagi ke sini jadi mahal.. Piyee toh Bapak-bapak sampe kapan mo beginiiiiiii ): Serius ya, sekarang tuh banyaaaaaakkkk banget beasiswa dari Jepang atau negara sana lah, karena mereka tau how awesome we are . . . Unfortunately, yang seharusnya disini appreciate malah gak. Ive read this article about ada orang Indonesia menemukan terobosan di bidang kedokteran, dia mau buka praktek susah, di ruko malah ditutup, akhirnya terbuang. Yo opo toh ):

Bapak, orang Indonesia itu luar biasa pintar. Kita belajar terlalu banyak. Kita menang olimpiade sains terlalu banyak. Sayang sekali, setelah menang.. kita tidak diberitahu apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan kemenangan itu. Tidak ada yang menghargai penemuan kita. Akhirnya, pencapaian itu hanyalah momentum. Kenangan. Pengisi CV. Kita bekerja untuk korporasi, just to pay the bills. That is usually what happens ketika kita dituntut hanya untuk belajar tanpa diberi tujuan, tidak dibukakan matanya pada masalah konkrit yang ada di realita masyarakat, dan tidak diarahkan sesuai strategi untuk menyelesaikannya. WE, AS INDONESIA, HAVE GREATER AIMS TOGETHER. 

Pak, dari pada menambah waktu belajar…(yang jujur menurut saya sama sekali tidak efektif karena Indonesia terkenal akan kultur dan friendliness bukan robot seperti tetangga) lebih baik Bapak ubah KONTEN PENDIDIKAN >> terutama bukan hanya duduk diam dikelas. Misal kalau mau contoh, awal masa kanak-kanak ajarkanlah tentang karakter dan nasionalime. Sekolah dasar tentang ilmu konkrit dan keanekaragaman Indonesia. Sekolah Menengah Pertama sudah mulai merambah ke apa yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk Indonesia. Sekolah Menengah Atas terlebih lagi, dan mungkin bisa ditambah tentang bagaimana menjadi warga negara yang baik. *curhat sedikit, jujur saja sekarang saya kurang mengerti misal disuruh perpanjang KTP itu bagaimana caranya, karena tidak ada yang mengajari. yang praktik-praktik aja lah pak* Jika ingin lebih lagi, buatlah strategi penuh Pak, yang mempermudah pengalokasian Sumber Daya Manusia. Setiap daerah pasti punya kebutuhan yang berbeda, dan bisa dipengaruhi pemenuhannya tergantung kebijakan Bapak. Jangan sampai SDM berkualitas terbuang lagi. In addition, jangan melupakan media ilmu dan siswa: kesejahteraan yang mengajar…karena ketika yang mengajar bahagia tentu ilmu juga ditransfer dengan bahagia. Jadikan mereka sebagai inspirasi yang memacu anak bangsa.

Terlebih lagi Pak, jangan lupa juga, hidup bukan hanya tentang belajar dikelas. Anak-anak juga diizinkan menikmati kehidupan, bermain sama tetangga, simply have fun and laugh. Karena terkadang, apa yang tidak dipelajari dikelas akan dipelajari lewat pengalaman hidup. Kalau khawatir mereka tidak terkontrol, ya susun lah kurikulum dan suasanya sekolah yang membuat mereka tetap penasaran dan mau mencari tahu tentang hal itu seusai kelas instead of bikin mereka pingin escape. Berikan WAKTU untuk mereka menjalani kehidupan, menemukan, menelaah, menuntaskan, sehingga berguna bagi kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari ~

“The Longest Ride” ~ a reflection of LOVE Now and Then


The way I see it, love that exist now is a different kind with love a decade ago.

Basically the movie is telling about two of somehow relatable love stories, from the 1940s and 2010s. The old man is reading his letters to a younger girl about him and his wife, named Ira and Ruthie. It was love at first sight for him [yeah… cliche]. She was a vibrant girl, and he was a shy man. They fell in love, but had to be seperated before the wedding due to the World War. Ira got wounded and infected during the war, making him unable to ‘produce babies’ which actually is one of the biggest desires of Ruthie – to have a big family. Ira felt guilty, yet Ruthir insisted “I don’t know what the future holds but I know there is no future without you“. They marry each other and lived a happy life for a while, but still the no-children thing became a great problem. The lively Ruthie became depressed, and decided she needed to leave. Ira let her, because “I just want you to be happy, even if that ‘happy’ doesn’t include me anymore“- so he said. But in the end, Ruthie came back home. They chose to simply cherish what they have in life. One last quote from Ira was “She had a great eye for talent, but I only had eyes for her.” [— I know like super romantic and unreal].

The younger couple has a less interesting story (for me). A town girl going to college in North Carolina, met a local cowboy guy. They are both physically attractive [very typical of hollywood]. They found the somewhat “connection” but choose not to be with each other because in the end their life will be seperated. The girl is going back to New York to do intern in art gallery, and the guys’ life is pretty much about the ranch. But they can not resist each other. The girl sacrifice her New York stuff, bla bla bla. The movie ends with them skinny dipping in the pond in North Carolina. [— Ok their story is more romantic than this, but still…career-or-love, and because it is a Nicholas Spark movie: Love wins].

Have you ever wonder why in the old days couple can be seperated thousands of miles, only connected through pieces of paper but somehow still can put their hopes for each other

Why would their cling themselves without any certainty wheter the other person will or will not cheat? or even love a person so deeply that some are unable to fell in love again and be stuck with the unrequited love? Is ‘true love at first sight’ even exist ? How can you trust a human being until you choose a freaking love over career ? People are not stable, they keep changing what they want or who they are….does this only happen now ?

If we compare, couples now have faaaarrrr moreeeee easier way to communicate. Couples connected all the time via online or text. Stalking is even easier, no need to walk silently behind the girl- just open her faceboook! But somehow, by the easiness and the openess …..people sacrifice less and tempted more. [I guess the more you know, the more overthink you become, the less happier you are?]. It is realistic to just move on from one guy to another. Now staying in love with one person may sound stupid- yet in the old day it is also realistic. The view on love has changed.

I have been questioning about love for a really long time. Is it the other person ? Should you keep looking for ‘the one’ ? What kind of person is the one ? Is it the hunky perfect guy that hollywood always portray ? Or is it the one that creates the perfect love story ? Or is it the one who is a regular person with no special story but able to give comfort and safe ? Should it be someone who grow up with you ? Or someone who just fit into your life in your 30s ?

Is it the quality of relationship that you build ? That you can pick any random person, that you have no idea what the background is or the past life.. but you count on every day and ahead living life full of affection and compromises. Does it work that way ? and moreover about marriage..

Once I was on a lesson, the teacher ask : “when do you want to get married ?”. The average answer is 25-27. He said, “why dont people answer ‘when I meet the one’…”

Different culture marry their kids in age of 12-14, some still pratice arranged marriage – but it does not necessarily lead to an unhappy relationship. They are happy enough. People get married for different reason: love, reproduce offspring, financial security, loneliness, social pressure, force from family, the feeling that “they have to”. Is there any rules anyway ? [in Indonesia] If you marry in your early 20s, people will say things like ‘you are just kids! you do not know what you’re doing, you will get a divorce and regret it!’. Marry in 30s, people will judge that you work too hard you forgot about having a family. Geezzzz, is there any perfect age ? What if you do not meet the other person that makes you happier than when you are on your own ? What if you meet them really early or late ? There are too many unspoken rules.

The more you think about it, you will be more lost. I guess the answer will only be:

Love works differently in each individual. There is no should be.

You just need to find which is the right for you. Even the right one now may be the wrong one later. That is just how life works. Either way, JUST BE AN AWESOME PERSON! That will be enough.


AMY [Winehouse] – a reflection of Music Industry

I didn’t really know who she was, until one late night I accidentaly saw her documentary on Fox Movies Premium – 2 hours film called AMY.

Impression: she was a strong character and she just simply loved music. She is one of the truest artist in the era – even Jazz legend Tony Bennet said so. She wrote from her story, her irregular life and fragile personality has enable her to produce genuine songs that somehow relate to the listeners. She lived in her own world. A lot of artist aim to be famous, she was not really. She had no idea how to be prepared, nor have any foundation from her childhood to sustain that rough journey. She just made good music and more people fell for it.

Her talent even brought her a Grammy [beating Queen Bey!!]. Eventually, the fame and the paparazzi was unbearable. She was living under the microscope, and she did not ask for it. It started as simply sharing music, and somehow dragged along the line of contratcs and tour schedule. She was originally an alcoholic and smoked pot, I guess more to relax herself to be able to produce a good music.Yet ever since the fame it can be seen of how it became an escape route. An unhealthy marriage relationship and a ‘using’ father was not a good support system as well. In the end, she couldn’t handle it both physically and mentally – leading to her tragic death at the age of 27.



The Music Industry should be ashamed.

Seriously.. since when does the industry has become this superficial ? The way I see it,   “the business gain money from these artist whom they do not actually respect as a human being.” Those real human are obviously going to lose their mind – because most of the time they are not treated as one. There was a scene where Amy and her family was discussing about wheter she should go to Rehab [–that eventually create the Hit song!]. But the paparazzi was outside trying to get pictures, give it to the media, eventually judge her before they make any clear-headed decision. It is also cruel to make jokes about other people’s struggle. Amy with her addiction, Taylor with her breakups, it is their private life. Stay out of it. Do not make something big out of it(unless they want to), just be happy they can produce good music fot u profesionally. OK, some public figure may looveee getting that attention, but there are also some people wo don’t. RESPECT their decision.Once they show signs of depression or shows antagonism, leave them away. Do not be rude in general. One of the key of staying sane is through having own space, those people are having tough life already and without no space….I am not shock at all when artist attack those paparazzi physically since they are somehow abused mentally. Artists are just regular people doing their job, with no mean intention whatsoever but to entertain. I believed it used to be that way.

Her story is an example of amazing rare talent being used and forced into the excruciating business eventually ruined the artist. The world has wasted her.


Hey it’s me! Vilory Ivy


So…this blog is about what Vilory Ivy’s view and comments on this world.

Currently, I am a tourism student in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. I am not originally from here, I am a city girl – Jakarta. Before this, my life used to be plain and static… I do the same thing every single day, hang out at malls but now – NOT ANYMORE! This city has inspire me to seek about life and to write about it.

I am a Bataknese-Javanese born, a loud opiniated girl, an occasional overthinker, a hardworking and organized woman. Yet I also enjoy simplicity – get lost, sitting in the middle of nowhere, listening to the sound of the surrounding, watching the leave as it flows, just observing life as it is~ I AM AN OUTGOING INTROVERT. My interests include travelling, learning cultures, music and movies, collecting quotes, planning programs, reading bibliography, knowing people from different background and stories. I love Purple and my Dog. Some may say I am an Idealist, but frankly I just live in my own world and thoughts…. and now I’m gonna share it to you. So, here we go. WELCOME!

p.s. I do not expect that we are going to have the same perspective. Please do not hesitate to share yours (: